Chicaiza-Vaca J.; Gonzalez-Feliu, J.; Rabe, M.: Capacity Dynamics of Automated Parcel Lockers as a Last-Mile Delivery Scheme. Journée de Recherche Supply Chain & Innovation, La Rochelle, 27th November 2020.

More than half of the world's population live in urban areas, with the density increasing. Cities require goods and related logistics services, which fact has economic, en-vironmental, and social implications. The usage of automated parcel locker (APL) systems is one of the most promising initiatives to improve urban logistics activities. Some studies confirm that online shoppers will use APLs more frequently in the future. We propose a novel model that considers the APL capacities combining the mobile APLs or increasing the capacity with different modular units to managing the demand dynamics to better use of resources. The aim is to determine the optimal APL configuration network with maximum e-customers demand covering without losing efficiency.