Wenzel, S.; Peter, T.; Stoldt, J.; Schlegel, A.; Groß, G.; Pitsch, H.; Rabe, M.; Seewaldt, M.: Betrachtungen energetischer Einflussfaktoren in der Simulation in Produktion und Logistik: Eine Literaturanalyse. In: Wenzel, S.; Peter, T. (Hrsg.): Simulation in Produktion und Logistik 2017. Kassel: kassel university press 2017, S. 9-18.

In recent years, an increasing consideration of environmental impacts in simulation studies in production and logistics can be observed. This is partially motivated by the climate change, but also by economic interests of companies. Thus, many simulation solutions exist, but still no standardization for the execution of simulations considering energetic influences has been established. The ASIM working group 'Consideration of Energetic Parameters in Simulation in Production and Logistics' commenced an extensive methodical literature review to document the state-of-the-art in this sector. This paper presents both the methodical approach and the first result of the analysis, the so-called research map. Furthermore, selected samples are presented, describing simulation studies and solutions throughout the value chain. Concluding, an outlook on the next steps of the working group in creating an internationally adhered survey as a basis for standardization is given.