Gutenschwager, K.; Rabe, M.; Theile, M.; Wilhelm, B.: Comparison of Approaches to Encrypt Data for Supply Chain Simulation Applications in Cloud Environments. In: Rabe, M.; Juan, A.A.; Mustafee, N.; Skoogh, A.; Jain, S.; Johansson, B. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Picataway: IEEE 2018, S. 3084-3095.

A main characteristic in the field of supply chain simulation is that typically several independent organizations are involved. However, most simulation studies only consider a very limited number of different organizations. One main reason is that suppliers usually do not want to publish sensitive data, such as resource capacities or cost rates to their customer. In this paper we present an overall architecture to tackle this problem ofmulti-organizational simulation studies storing all relevant data at an independent third party, which also carries out all experiments and distributes the results as a cloud service. In order to define scenarios, different rights to use the provided data can be granted to other participants. The necessary user-specific encryption of datasets needs to be established on the underlying data base structure. In this paper we focus on three approaches for storing and encrypting data along with a detailed comparison in terms of performance.