Cheng, R.; Macal, C.; Nelson, B.; Rabe, M.; Currie, C.; Fowler, J.; Lee, L. H.: Simulation: The Past 10 Years and the Next 10 Years. In: Roeder, T. M. K.; Frazier, P. I.; Szechtman, R.; Zhou, E.; Huschka, T.; Chick, S. E. (eds): Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington (VA). IEEE 2016, S. 2180-2192.

The Journal of Simulation is celebrating its tenth anniversary. The journal is published by The Operational Research Society of the United Kingdom. The society is the world's oldest-established learned society catering to the Operational Research profession, and one of the largest in the world, with 2,700 members in 66 countries. This panel session brings together four leaders of the simulation community to discuss significant advances in simulation over the last ten years, major simulation issues that still need to be addressed, and what can be accomplished during the next ten years. The first four authors of this paper are the panelists and the other three are editors of the Journal of Simulation.